Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Suttton and Bignor walk 24th April 2024

Sally promised us a walk of 4.9 miles of woodland tracks, muddy farmyard and road walking which was augmented by sunny intervals which she would not take credit for.

 Our first challenge was on the road up to the Car Park where we met a Highways lorry filling the potholes but not wanting to accommodate oncoming traffic which caused various levels of frustration. Once all had arrived 17 walkers crossed the road from the Car Park and walked along woodland paths in the direction of the village of Sutton. To avoid the deep puddle and mud of the more direct path we walked up into the village on the road admiring the houses and their beautifully kept gardens

Passing the White Horse Inn on our right we followed the footpath up onto the ridge and walked down through farmland with wonderful views, over the stream, up onto the road that lead us around to the farm. We then headed towards Bignor Park House, first taking the path through the woods of a valley carpeted with wild garlic where we had a very welcome coffee stop sitting on the fallen tree trunks and then across fields towards the house where we met with an unexpected herd of young cows.

 Safely back on the estate road we made our way down onto the woodland tracks which still had the puddles but the water had subsided so we could navigate around the edges. The Car park was in sight allowing us 20 minutes to drive to the Badgers pub..  A quick change out of walking footwear, a bounce across the car park and some nifty car parking at The Badgers Inn at Coultershaw Bridge followed for lunch which was very busy. A wait for our food gave us lots of time to chat but when it came was delicious.

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