Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Stroud walk on 26th June 2024

Many thanks to Jay for stepping in to do this walk around Stroud. We started from the car park of the Seven Stars and the temperature was heading towards the hottest day of the year so far, with 30 degrees recorded at Heathrow later in the day. However we took care not to exert ourselves too much and we took advantage of all the shade that was available. We headed for Mustercoombe Copse before crossing fields to reach the village of Langrish. From here the path went across a field, up steps through a wood and then another field and the uphill work did at least give us a marvellous view across to Butser, Petersfield and beyond. We were now at Cold Hill (very inapropriate name for the day) and another rise took us to Ridge Lane above Great Hanger. The pile of logs previously chosen as an ideal drink stop was in fact being redistributed into lorrys in anticipation of a cold winter so we carried on to the junction with Lythe Hanger. This being the highest point on our walk, a drink and a short rest was much appreciated.  The descent to Lythe Farm was achieved without incident and we paused at a memorial seat (for a local marine who died in Afganistan in 2010) before carrying on past Lythe Farm and eventually reaching the Seven Stars for lunch. It was cooler inside and the water and lunch was much appreciated. The walk was a little under 4.1/2 miles.