Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Stedham Walk on 6th April 2022

The prospect of a few showers failed to stop many walkers from following Celia and Miguel on a wander from The Hamilton Arms in Stedham. We also had a very welcome guest walker, Kacper, from Poland. After heading for Stedham Bridge we turned towards Iping and then headed north, eventually crossing Tote Lane at Woodgate Farm. A field or two later we found a suitable drink stop in a field that was being surrounded with high deer fencing. Apparently this is because this particular field is to be left to grow whatever trees that the animals and birds, helped by the wind, spread over the ground in the form of seed and nuts. The landowner must have a very long-term plan! We did spot some deer in the field so hopefully they'll move on before the fence is finished. After crossing Stedham Lane we took the delightful footpath down to Stedham Mill, then to wander along to Stedham Bridge and finally back to The Hamilton Arms.    After a very good lunch we had a surprise for two of our walkers, Bernard and Celina, due to be married the next day. As well as arranging presents, Pauline had baked and decorated a fantastic cake, which we all enjoyed.  The walk was about 4.1/2 miles, often a little damp, but the party was one of the best ever!

All ready to go!

Maybe there is a little rain in the air?

Across the fields from Iping church, and yes, it is rain!

Drink stop field with deer if you can spot them.

Ah, there he is

Is that water even on the camera lens?

South Downs in the distance.

Carefully negotiating a downhill bit

Some stiles are easier than others.

Stedham Mill, once a maker of blotting paper, but sales have dried up in the last century

Now it's time for a group photo please

RESULT!   Stedham Mill posing group

Very soon, all to be related. Keen photographer, with her two boys.

Heading back towards the village, along the Rother.

Stedham Hall, next stop Hamilton Arms

Hungry walkers tucking in to some nice Thai food

And suddenly this fabulous cake appeared!

It seemed a real shame to cut it up

The happy couple opening their presents, with Kacper looking on. Cake was too good to keep for very long.

One happy cookie!

About 4.1/2 miles

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