Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Stansted Park walk on 17th July 2024

The walk through Stansted Park, led by John and Maureen, started out from the Castle Inn in Rowlands Castle. Crossing over the road we were soon into the woods of Stansted Park, before emerging onto the Monarchs Way, a wide grassy area, originally cut into the woodland in the 17th century. In the distance was Stansted House, rebuilt (after a fire destroyed the original) in 1903 in the style of Christopher Wren. The Park has had many royal visitors including King John, Richard I, Edward VI and the house has been visited by the Queen Mother and  Princess Anne. However the MFC walkers chose to turn left and plunge into the ancient woods instead of muddying the carpets of the main house. After some easy walking on a wide track, we took smaller paths to eventually exit the Park onto Staunton Way, with a distant view of the main Waterloo to Portsmouth railway line. Whilst the forest had been easy walking,  the vegetation was suprisingly challenging in a few places on this footpath. However after our 4.3 mile walk we all survived to reach the Castle Inn in good spirits where everybody took the opportunity to re-hydrate before being served an excellent lunch.