Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Rogate walk on 17th May 2023

Seventeen walkers met on Wednesday morning at The Jolly Drovers pub in beautiful sunny weather. Isabel's group of six set off first, following the Sussex Border Path, which is 136 miles long and follows the Sussex border as it meets Hampshire, Surrey and Kent and finishes in Rye in East Sussex. We only managed a very short part of the path and turned just before reaching Durleighmarsh Farm, where there is a farm shop, a pick your own area and a very good cafe, but we were carrying our own refreshments, so carried on passing large fields growing asparagus, which is sold commercially and also in some of our local shops. We enjoyed the lovely views over the Downs and walked up the drive to Rogate Lodge, where we found a comfortable wall to have our coffee break. Suitably refreshed, we made our way uphill through the trees at the edge of Rogate Common, eventually crossing over a road to Tullecombe and then onto Combe Hill. We paused here to view the cycle runs, which go down really scary jumps. We decided it was not for us and made our way back to the Jolly Drovers for lunch, where we joined Tim's group.

Tim led the rest of the group, who enjoyed a more leisurely amble down the Sussex Border Path but took a short cut past Carrolls Lodge and onto Tipsall where we managed to find a few perches for a coffee stop. From there we headed north back to the pub past Rogate Common and Long Bottom. This walk was somewhat shorter at around 3.1/4 miles, whilst Isabel's group walked around 5.1/2. I think we all appreciated the beautiful trees, especially being grateful at times for the shade.

Long walkers have already departed, we're in no rush!

Deer spotted in the grounds of the De La Salle Brothers. History can be found on Wikipedia.

Some walkers are less unbalanced than others

The Sussex Border path has a few obstacles along the way

Durford Wood

Long walkers on the march on the Sussex Border path

"Well, that's a shame, no-one said we're wearing blue today"

Carrols, a beautifully sited house on the hill.

with a long. long view of the South Downs

Nice path, pity about the stile up ahead!

One stile conquered, only one more to go.

Refreshed, we're heading for the pub

"I don't care what's going on in the hedge, I'm not looking!"

Meanwhile, the long walkers were checking out the cattle

and in the Land of Asparagus, the pickers have missed this one

This could be a shot in the Himalayas or the Andes, but it's really the amazing bike jumps at Combe Hill

Jolly Drover at last, awaiting food.

Long route, about 5.1/2 miles

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