Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Midhurst Christmas Walk on 13th December 2023

This 3.5 mile walk preceded our Christmas lunch which was exceptionally well attended. Regrettably the combination of recent rain deluges, ensuing mud baths and the desire to retain some decorum in Christmas attire for the lunch, we were reduced to six walkers aspiring to work up an appetite for lunch. Crossing Oaklands Lane we headed up towards Pendean House, crossed Dunfold Hollow taking the footpath across the squelchy underfoot fields. After leaping stiles and the wooden footbridge over a stream that runs into Costers Brook, we arrived at Bex Lane. Heading towards Bex Mill and beyond we collected an assortment of discarded debris and marvelled at the mushrooms at the side of the road. Marsh Pond was the venue for our coffee stop, facilitated by a bench that the six of us could all sit on while refreshing drinks were imbibed. The difficulties of modern life were discussed as to the likely conversations with authorities one would be embroiled in should one have been unlucky enough to discover a babe in the bullrushes at the edge of the pond. We then took the footpaths towards Goldballs Plantation (which we surmised had little to do with David and Victoria Beckham)  where there were some deviations to avoid the deepest water and mud. On reaching the Serpentine Trail, we turned for home past Walkers Farm and a holly tree laden with berries, wading through fords (fiords?) and finding a spade on our way back to The Royal Oak. We met up with the rest of the Midhurst Walkers for our Christmas Lunch, with thanks to Pauline who organised it for us, and The Royal Oak who delivered it.

The intrepid six, ready to enjoy the sunshine

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