Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Heyshott walk on 12th June 2024

Mark and Jo's walk started at the Unicorn Inn in Heyshott and the group of 8 walkers headed north towards Goldballs plantation but then turned towards Walkers Farm and past Oakscroft. The walk should then have carried on south towards Mill Lane but the footpath was closed due to a fallen tree. So instead, turning left the group headed south east and followed a driveway to Mill Lane only to find the gate chained to its post. However this did not defeat the group who all managed to climb over the low fence at the side of the gate. Back on course, the group walked through Hoe Copse, using a fallen tree for seating at the coffee stop. Almost reaching Cocking, the group then headed East past Sage barn and through Hampshire Copse, heading back to Heyshott. A final loop to the south of Heyshott brought the walk to just under 5 miles, arriving back at the Unicorn at 12:40 for lunch. And happily, our one litter picker looked hard but did not find anything!

All lined up, ready to go!

The South Downs, Eleanor Farjeon country. Eleanor, great friend of Edward Thomas, was the author of "Morning has broken". Born 1881, died 1965.   For more info. click here:-   Eleanor Farjeon

Little bit of grass to negotiate.

Now, where did I park my lawn mower?

A very pleasant walk, just under 5 miles