Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Halfway Bridge, Lodsworth walk on 4th October 2023

As we gathered in the car park of The Halfway Bridge Inn, we spotted a lone walker from another group that had cancelled their walk and welcomed him in, with a quickfire introduction of all our names that he had no chance of remembering. Luckily, we all respond well to ‘what’s you name again’ as we have to do that ourselves occasionally! The 4 mile walk started from what was the original front of the pub, up the hill past cooking apple trees which were confirmed by the taste method, followed swiftly by extruded tongues with a slight delay, to then enjoy the benefit of a hewn seat with great views south to the Downs. Church Street led us to The Street where we turned south, enjoyed the brief vibrant red hue of the Virginia Creeper before taking to the footpaths and the first two of our five stiles. The team photo opportunity was taken in the field overlooked by Lodsworth House followed by our third stile and fields to cross Heath End Lane before descending through woodland and skirting fields to another branch of Heath End Road. Turning onto the north bridle path on the edge of Heathland Copse we stopped off for our coffee break and birthday celebration chocolates while decoratively draped on a fallen tree trunk. The bridle path took the refuelled walkers up to Heath End Farm for the short road walk back to Lodsworth, down The Street before turning down Vicarage Lane to St Peters Well, a field and across Eel Bridge where we turned again to follow the Lod back to the Halfway Bridge. A relaxed atmosphere at the Halfway Bridge with an enjoyable lunch finished off our adventure.

Should we walk first or head straight into the pub?

It’s early October so too early to be ‘walking backwards for Christmas’, but you never know

Yep, that’s a cooking apple all right

Enjoying the view from a sculpted bench 

Climbing up the hill


Perfect Virginia Creeper colour 


The contractual obligation team shot with finest poses 


Enjoying the sunshine and leaning into the hill

It’s no good, litter just has to be picked up


Descending through the fern to get back into the sunshine


Verdant plants, perfect sky, and the walkers aren’t bad either


Branching out for our coffee break


View from further up this huge tree trunk


 So big it now has two silver birch trees growing from its upturned root

Quick, look up there - is that a pixie hiding in that tree??

St Peter's Well Cottage, once home to explorer, adventurer and author Sir Ranulph Fiennes 

St Peter’s Well, supposed to cure eye ailments, would you bathe your eyes in that?

Striding down to Eel Bridge


The Lod at the bottom of the valley

Just under 5 miles

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