Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Elsted walk on 29th May 2024

Tim led our 4.4 mile ‘not very hilly’ walk from The Three Horseshoes at Elsted. Despite the extensive rain the previous day, we were blessed with sunshine and warmth. We started off down Elsted Road to take the footpath between the houses, dropping down across a field, the copse at the bottom, gliding through the mud until we reached the wooden bridge over the stream. Crossing over and skirting the next field, across the road into the road to Newhouse Farm. Turning left we crossed two fields with ewes and their lambs before a third field brought us to a gate between Rook Wood and Drencher Copse. Squelching across the next field we turned right onto Brimbrook Lane for a short time, then took the path on the right across fields towards Ditchling. On reaching the top of a hill shortly before Manor Farm we elected to stretch out on the field surrounded by sheep that kept a wary eye on us from a distance while we had our coffee break. Springing up from our supine poses we crossed Manor Farm’s yard and the fields beyond taking care on the descent through the scrub to the stream and slipping up the other side to gain the road at Treyford. Shortly after passing the Treyford Cemetery we took the path north dropping down Westfield Hanger with a final push back up the hill to the Three Horseshoes for our lunch.