Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Clanfield Day Walk 19th July 2017

Mary's walk should have been partly sunny at midday, However no-one told the sun. We started from Clanfield car park with some dampness which stayed with us all day, in varying amounts. However it was very enjoyable, even though a little damp. Coffee at the Sustainability Centre on the old site of HMS Mercury, where over half a million Navy personnel trained between 1941 and 1993. The cakes were excellent and may have even slowed us down a little.  The route down to The Bat and Ball was through a few fields of oil seed rape and linseed and also past a large cage of young pheasants. The mist was much larger at this point and we were glad to reach the pub. Excellent lunch and staff very helpful. As the weather had not improved we took a slightly shorter route back to Clanfield village. About 7 miles