Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.

Bubble Walks 14th October 2020

Linda and Marian's walk had two starting points, one in North Street car park, the other in Cowdray Cafe car park. From there we walked between the ancient Chestnut trees known as The Race. A quick joggle across fields and then we were heading North for Whitters Copse. In the woodland we found an ideal drink stop point with distance seating provided for all - there was even an undercover table and benches - luckily not needed this time. Turning south we reached the area of Budgenor Lodge, a workhouse from 1794, which, in 1843 was serving  men on Sundays with 6 oz. of bread and 1.1/2 pints of gruel for breakfast. However do not despair, things really improved for supper with 6 oz of bread and 1.1/2 pints of broth. Women were obviously dieting as they had the same, but less bread. From there we headed for the Cowday Cafe picnic spot where, by some miracle bubbly and cake was produced for a birthday treat. It was good to meet up once again - distantly - with Jeff and Christine before the Midhurst starters left to finish their longer walk. It was a pleasure to have a guest walker join us, Nalani, who is new to the area.

Crossing the A272 at Easebourne

Heading for Whitters Copse

Yet another stile to hop over

Room for all and time to share chocolates

Good for a rainy day

Cheers - it was well worth the walk!

Those faces look familiar?

Cowdray with the funny filter on the camera - it wasn't quite that dramatic.

About 4.1/2 miles or 6+ miles with a North Street start.



Peter’s walk started from Iping/Stedham car park, through Iping common towards Didling, then along Ingrams Green Lane, left through the woods where we bumped into a couple of very friendly Gloucester old spots! Then on to the perfect ready made coffee stop complete with seating, fire pit and surrounded by tumuli, on to Quaggs Meadow then through Stedham common to the car park. a really lovely walk.

Where shall we go from here?

Gloucester Old Spot spotted.


Nice picnic spot

Cauliflower fungus, very tasty but difficult to clean.



Pauline led our walk around Petworth Park and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the start of the autumn colours around the park. As it is the rutting season, we had a number of stops to watch the deer and to listen to the roaring of the stags. We were so pleased that the sun shone and that a rain shower started only as we were driving out of the car park.

Inside Petworth Park

 The house is famous for its art collection which includes works by JMW Turner of the park.

Striding out. During Second World War the park was used for 3,700 army troops and at the end of the war as a Polish resettlement camp, this closed in 1959.

Designed & landscaped by Lancelot Capability Brown in the 1750s

There are around 700 deer roaming freely within the park. The wall around the park is 14 miles long

May be a Shaggy Parasol Mushroom, edible by most people.... but more likely a plain Paraosol Mushroom, edible.

Honourable leader with a coat carefully chosen to match the vegetation?

Petworth House, one of the homes of Lady Elizabeth Percy (1667-1722). In 1682, at the age of 16 and already twice widowed, she married the 20 year old Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset.

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