Midhurst Footpath Companions
Walking in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.


Viewing galleries from March, 2017

Harting Day Walk 15th March 2017

Linda, Maddie and June led us up the hills to the Harting Downs on one of the nicest days of this year. As it was a figure of eight walk several additional  walkers took advantage of the "short" walk in the morning. June got snappping again at cofffee time with some very good results. The highlight for many on the walk was the sight of a new born calf being cleaned up by its mother. It tried desperately to stand for the first time, watched by another young calf and several walkers - however, the walkers had a lunch to go to, so we moved on. The other calf was unlikely to be a twin as apparently twins are quite rare among cattle. Curiously if a heifer is born with a bull brother it is likely to be sterile (a freemartin) and the bull calf will usually be a poor performer in later life. Thanks Google.

Walderton Morning Walk 8th March 2017

It rained before and after the walk but Den's walk from Walderton stayed dry throughout. A walk  up and down past  Piglegged Row, then past Watergate House was followed by a great lunch at the Barley Mow in Walderton. The service there was exceptional and the 11 walkers had a great lunch.

Compton Day/Morning(!) Walk 1st March 2017

This day walk was hampered by a very poor weather forecast for the afternoon and we took measures to finish at lunchtime if the need arose. Jennifer led us from Compton up and over the spur of Compton Down, on past the wonderful church of St Hubert at Idsworth, under the main London to Portsmouth railway line and then  up the edge of Chalton Down to the Red Lion at Chalton for lunch. With the staff photographer on sick leave, June took over and produced some great shots at our coffee stop. The muddy going, the hilly bits and a leisurely lunch all combined to cancel the return walk and we called it a day after 4.3/4 miles.

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